From the exterior we can see there is a strong sense of separation between the two residences. The Lawyers house is very introverted and set back from the street with the entrance half a level below the street. The artists house takes a more prominent role on the front facade with a large window looking into the atrium and gallery space. the artist's home is far less introverted as it demands less privacy.

From the rear we see that the angle and position of the windows and balconies protect the privacy of both residents, with neither being able to easily peer into the others windows or outdoor spaces. We can see the rear garden of the lawyers home on he bottom left which runs partly runs underneath the artist's bedrooms. The staircase leading down to it has a tall window spilling light into the middle parts of the house.

We can see he paths that would be taken by members of the public visiting the gallery. The large open area atrium serves as the first gallery space after which artwork can continue to be presented along the walls following the stairs down to the second gallery space underneath the atrium. Overlooking the atrium is he formal living area, half a level up, it is also zoned a somewhat public space as functions would be held there. This is also the location of the office, which has a large front window overlooking the entrance and much of the gallery space. We can see the house achieves a certain level of privacy by having circulation paths that circumvent the gallery space, also achieving direct and logical movement between rooms, yet it does not separate the owner and private residences from the art.